Our Story

By Tinotenda Chiwara, Creator
Back Story

Hey there, I'm Tino. Growing up in a Christian household, my journey with faith began early. At the age of 12, I discovered my passion for coding. However, it wasn't until I reached 17 that I grappled with the question, 'Why am I alive?' Fully surrendering myself to God and echoing Isaiah 6:8, "Here I am, send me," I immediately start spending time with Him and studying His Word. It radically changed me! I started witnessing the miraculous in and through in my life, by the power of the Holy Spirit. A burning passion for evangelism and reaching people with the Gospel was birthed inside me. I started doing street evangelism and crusades in Zimbabwe and saw many people being healed and thousands of people hearing the Gospel.

The Church & Tech

One of the major things that I have learned about the intersection between The Church and technology, particularly Artificial Intelligence, has been as an undergrad theology student at Oral Roberts University (ORU) and working hand-in-hand with ORU's VP of Global Learning and Innovation, Mike Mathews. Any form of technology, including AI, whether initially meant for good or bad, has a tremendous opportunity to be used further the Kingdom of God, and iEvangelize proves that. Mike Mathews says, "There's no supercomputer greater than the mind of Christ."

The Time Is Now

You and I were born into this world for such a time as this, to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19) and to reach people with the Gospel in your world. And our team will always do our best, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to give you the best tools for The Great Commission.

Remember, it takes you and me to reach everyone with the Gospel, and iEvangelize exists to help believers do just that.

Who can use iEvangelize?

Any Christian wanting to
fulfill the Great Commission and need the tools to do so, easily!